How do I choose? is a great website to check

EC permitted antioxidants THE MOST IMPORANT THING TO LOOK FOR. Beware of con-artist companies who often state 'No added aritifical preservatives'. This is a marketing lie - the perservatives are probably already in the raw ingredients! Natural antioxidants(tocopherols or vitamins C and E). The company should be willing to guarantee: that neither the raw ingredients nor the finished product contained chemical preservatives. See as a rare example of such a statement.
Derivatives Ingredients you understand and could buy for yourself.
Vague ingredientse.g. poultry, meat, fish Single Named Protein source e.g Lamb/Beef/Chicken/Salmon
WITH [chicken/beef/salmon/free range] This is a con. They only have to use a very small amount in the food 18-25% protein content (adult)
Other words you don’t understand easily 22-25% protein content (puppy)
Raw ingredients sourced from quality producers. For example, chicken could be Irish raised, or it could be from China. There would be a huge difference in quality

Whatever dog food you choose, be sure it meets the above criteria

Small dog? Doesn’t eat?  Remember how small that dog is! 

The kibble will swell to 3 times its size

Your dog is probably full up!


Dogs shouldn't eat human food Quality ‘meat/fish and 3 veg’ is fine, and eggs are very beneficial. Avoid processed foods such as: sweets, cakes, pizzas
Dogs shouldn't eat gluten (wheat) or other grains (e.g rice, oats) The majority of dogs can eat cooked wheat, rice, oats with no problem. Grain free diets are a fashion and VERY EXPENSIVE
Dogs are descended from wolves and should only eat raw foods Wolves are omnivores and would eat grains within the stomachs of their kills (as well as berries in season). Dogs have adapted to living with humans and eat all sorts of human refuse.
Dogs shouldn’t eat dairy products Milk products are not so easily digested, but many dogs eat them with no problem
It doesn't matter what a dog eats It does matter. You’ll save a lot of money of vet bills by choosing good quality food based on the information overleaf
Dogs need high protein in their food The protein content of lean raw meat is 20-26%. Wolves would also eat the fat, fur, skin. The natural diet of an adult dog should therefore be around 18-22% protein Remember that protein gives energy and the average pet should therefore have around18- 20% protein since pet owners cannot give their dogs the extra exercise needed for a higher protein diet. Dogs on high protein diets often exhibit the same behaviour as a child on too much sugar. Unable to control their own actions they appear to be disruptive and untrainable, change the food, and see the difference. Puppies should have a diet of 22-24% protein until around 6 months old. HIgh protein diets for puppies may cause fast growth, and joint problems in later life. This is yet another fashion, it's popular for people and has made its way into the dog food industry as well.
Brand name is important No, some very good foods are not very well known. There are some excellent smaller companies who cannot afford the advertising achieved by the household names.
Some foods humans eat are poisonous to dogs The most obviously available are:Chocolate, xylitol (chewing gum), grapes, onions, garlic (but note a small amount of garlic is good to prevent fleas and other insect infestation)
Name a few unusual (or undesireable) things that dogs commonly eat Sheep/cattle/horse droppings; seaweed; grass; shellfish; berries are often foraged. All of these are actually natural foods for dogs! For example, they obtain needed vegetable fibre from the droppings of herbivores

I recommend BURNS range of dog food.  It's easy to source in most pet shops and vets. 
I feed it myself and I do not work for Burns or get any benefit from them by recommending it.